Macmillan Education is part of Springer Nature, created in May 2015 when the majority of Macmillan Science and Education formally merged with Springer Science+Business Media in its entirety. Springer Nature is under the joint control of Holtzbrinck Publishing Group and BC Partners. For over 170 years Macmillan’s pioneering spirit and reputation for quality has enabled us to build lasting relationships with teachers and educators around the world. In 1986 the local business Macmillan LanguageHouse was established. Originally Macmillan LanguageHouse focused exclusively on the University segment, but in recent years, has become a leading provider for all segments including the growing market of young learners. Everyone at Macmillan Languagehouse thanks you for making us a leading educational provider in Japan and we look forward to your continued support.
Titles include:
New Finding Out Series: Levels 1-5
Thinking Critically about Health Issues